


First of all, this software requires JRuby, as it interfaces with the Java client library of the Handle System. JRuby can be installed in many ways. You can go to the JRuby web site and download it from there. The developers of this software prefer using the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) for managing multiple Ruby installations on a single machine, and for managing multiple gemsets.

After installing JRuby, make sure that the interpreter runs in 1.9 mode. This is done by adding option --1.9 to environment variable JRUBY_OPTS. If you use RVM, you might consider using an .rvmrc document. There's an example of such a document in the distribution, by executing

rvm rvmrc

inside the root of this distribution.

Handle System v7

You'll need a running Handle System installation. Details can be found at the Handle System web site.

The web service needs to know the location of your Handle System installation. Create a symbolic link inside the Web Service top level directory called hsj, pointing to $HS_DISTRO_ROOT/lib.


Sequel is a Ruby database abstraction layer and Object-Relational Mapper (ORM). For performance reasons, we don't use the ORM features.

Installing sequel is easy:

gem install sequel

Depending on the kind of database you're using underneath the Handle System, you'll probably need to install some database handler as well. The service developers use gem jdbc-mysql in order to connect to their MySQL databases.


Rackful is a library to build ReSTful web services on top of Rack.

You might want to read the Rack interface specification and other Rack documentation as well.

gem install rackful


The web service comes preconfigured for HTTP Digest authentication. You'll need to create two configuration files for this to work, though:

General configuration

The default installation expects some configuration information in file config.rb. You'll find a sample configuration file called config.rb.example in the distribution. Copy or rename this file to config.rb and edit it to your situation:

cp -a config.rb.example config.rb
$EDITOR config.rb

User accounts

In the default configuration, account information is expected in file secrets/users.rb. From the installation root, do the following:

cd secrets/
cp -a users.rb.example users.rb
$EDITOR users.rb


At this point, you should be able to start the web service:


By default, this will start a Webrick web server, listening to port 9292.

If you'd like to use another web server, another port number, another authentication method, then check out the Rack documentation, and start editing the rackup configuration file That files contains a lot of in-line documentation that hopefully gets you started.